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Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience ran from 2017 to 2020. The Theme reflected on the data and evidence that was available within the Scottish sector to help us understand what we do well and what we could improve. We aimed to identify issues that required intervention, with priority given to any issue that would improve the student experience.


Our key work areas included:

  • evaluation, progress and planning
  • defining and capturing evidence
  • student engagement and demographics
  • optimising existing evidence.

The growing abundance of data and evidence in higher education, which was one of the key drivers for this Theme, continues today. This means that staff and students still need a set of purposeful and effective tools and techniques to make sense of trends and to identify what works and what doesn’t in implementing, evaluating and understanding the impact of change.


The distinctive, but related, Student and Staff Guides to Using Evidence in Higher Education continue to support colleagues in exploring the use of data and evidence in different scenarios. These highly practical guides remain a ‘go-to’ resource, from responding to student feedback on their learning and teaching experience to re-developing learning and teaching strategy. With the student voice continuing to be at the heart of the Scottish enhancement approach, the Responding to Student Voice Principles of Practice and Cards and associated resources have a continued legacy within Scotland and beyond.

Theme evaluation

Evaluation of the impact of the Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience Enhancement Theme

Publication date: 29 Mar 2021

Watch our highlights film about the work of Evidence for Enhancement

This film summarises the work of Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience and captures the broad range of activity and innovation from the higher education sector in Scotland.

Projects by activity

Projects by topic

Evaluation, progress and planning

Information about the approach to and learning from Theme evaluation, institutions’ plans and end of year reports.

Defining and capturing evidence

Identifies key evidence sources we commonly use in the HE sector and explores new forms of evidence.

Student engagement and demographics

A range of sector-wide and cluster work looking at how the Scottish sector can better support students at all levels.

Optimising existing evidence

Featuring work aimed at supporting staff and students to feel more confident in exploring and using evidence.

Exploring learning analytics

Analysis on current thinking and the status of learning analytics in Scotland.