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Project overview

Learning analytics was one of the collaborative cluster projects. It aimed to scope the collective understanding of learning analytics within the Scottish sector. The project was led by the University of Strathclyde, with contributions from 13 other institutions.

  • Building on the work complete during year one, the cluster has developed the STELAR wiki resource to help share and promote practice
  • The cluster has also undertaken research into student engagement with learning analytics.

In the final year of activity the cluster:

  • Produced sector-wide policy/guidance/best practice documents to support institutions implementing learning analytics
  • Updated the STELAR wiki reflecting the most recent work of the Scottish institutions and incorporating the year 2 student focus group work
  • In summer 2020, hosted an online learning analytics summit, including a workshop on staff engagement in learning analytics.

Learning Analytics Resources

The STELAR (Scottish Tertiary Education Learning Analytics Resource) wiki helps share and promote learning analytics policy and practice in Scotland’s higher education sector. The wiki, which the University of Strathclyde host, also supports cross-institutional collaboration for institutions implementing learning analytics.


Learning analytics: Student perception across Scottish higher education institutions

Publication date: 04 Sep 2019

Learning analytics: Student categories

Publication date: 29 Oct 2018