Flexible and Accessible Learning Skip to main content Accessibility Statement

There is increased interest at policy and practitioner levels in flexible and accessible pathways into and through HE. In 2021-22 the Flexible and Accessible Learning strand of the Enhancement Theme 'Resilient Learning Communities'explored two project areas that suffuse the concept of flexibility and accessibility in HE those being focused on Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPL/RPEL) and the use of Micro credentials as a means to access Higher Education and potentially 'stack' credit to achieve an HE award. These projects are running in parallel with the ongoing cluster project 'Personalised Approaches to Resilience and Community' (PARC), which is piloting diagnostic testing to assess and then develop competencies required for success in HE, the aim of which is to enhance widening participation activities and approaches to supporting students from diverse backgrounds.


In 2022-23, the final year of the Resilient Learning Communities Theme, all three projects will continue. They are joined by a new collaborative cluster project ‘Mind the gap? College students’ experience of universitity’, which will explore if the expressed differences in student experience of college and university learning and teaching is accurate, and, if so, what changes can be made to support student success.