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Project Overview

We worked with a team of Scottish Planners on a number of different Theme projects. One area of activity was an in-depth analysis of National Student Survey (NSS) data to help us better understand Scottish sector performance. The Planners’ analysis covered different perspectives. Part of the analysis involved looking at the data for four subject areas:

  • business and management
  • computer science
  • art and design
  • law.

These subjects chosen were to maximise the coverage of Scottish Higher Education institutions. Another part of the analysis focused on specific NSS questions.

HE Planners Activity

Exploring Student Surveys Event

QAA Scotland created this event to explore key questions around the design, analysis and impact of student surveys. The event was attended by a broad range of delegates and speakers, including:

  • planners and staff working with institutional survey data
  • staff involved in shaping institutional strategy and policy
  • academic staff working in learning and teaching at the programme or faculty level
  • professional services colleagues engaged in enhancing the student experience
  • student representatives engaging with survey outcomes and/or developing their own approaches to gathering and analysing student views to support enhancement.

The event comprised sharing practice presentations and opportunity for discussion including an expert panel session. One of the sessions featured a presentation on the Scottish Planners’ key findings from their in-depth analysis of Scottish sector National Student Survey performance. A snapshot of the day’s activity is provided via Wakelet.