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Project Overview


The collective will to decolonise the curriculum is stronger than it has ever been. A curriculum that ignores how colonial history has shaped academic disciplines fails to educate students to recognise and challenge the harm done by the resulting structural inequalities. At the same time, the conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the move to online teaching have particular implications for BAME students, including negative impact on mental health, higher risk for financial hardship, and more limited access to resources.


This project aimed to work with staff and students to expand and deepen sector-wide understanding of what decolonising the curriculum means in practice.

Watch our video to find out more

Sheffield Hallum

Project outputs

Decolonising the curriculum in the time of pandemic: A collaborative cluster final report

Publication date: 29 Sep 2021

Decolonising the curriculum in the time of pandemic: A resource to stimulate discussions

Publication date: 29 Sep 2021


The Gathering: Decolonising the Curriculum Collaborative Cluster Launch event

Our launch event took place on 16th February 2021, when we came together to share and learn from one another. We discussed what works and what more we can do as individuals and as a learning community to support the decolonising process. This workshop presented a valuable opportunity to:

  • learn about what is going on elsewhere in the sector and enhance our thinking and practices
  • shape a diverse, Scotland-wide, inter-institutional network exploring what decolonising the curriculum looks like in (post-)pandemic times.

We understand the importance of using language accurately and sensitively. We are still learning what that means in practice, and we are committed to listening to the diverse learning communities that this Theme is intended to support. If you would like to share feedback on any of the terminology used in relation to Theme projects, please email