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New retention and progression resources

Date: April 10 - 2019

QAA Scotland has published two new resources relating to our current Enhancement Theme, Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience.

These resources represent the outcomes of the Enhancement Theme work on retention and progression.


Using evidence to explore retention and progression: Key discussion topics

QAA Scotland has designed this short booklet which outlines the key findings of a study considering student retention and progression. The booklet is designed to stimulate discussion around three areas:

  • co-ordinating institutional knowledge
  • diversifying data and evidence
  • teaching for retention.
The use of data and evidence in retention and progression in Scottish sector higher education institutions

This is the full report of a study commissioned by QAA Scotland and completed by Dr Alison Gilmour and Dr Pete Cannell. It considers how Scottish higher education institutions make use of evidence and explores how institutions use this evidence to inform and evaluate interventions that aim to improve retention and progression.

These resources will be of interest to all stakeholders involved in retention policy and practice. For further information about this work and to download the resources please visit the retention and progression webpage.