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New collaborative clusters for 2019-20

Date: August 28 - 2019

We are continuing with our exciting programme of collaborative cluster activity, in the final year of the Theme! We will be supporting four clusters, two existing clusters that will continue the work established in previous years, and two new projects: 

Learning Analytics

Our most established cluster is being led by the University of Strathclyde with 11 other institutions collaborating in this work. The year three project will:

  • produce sector-wide policy/guidance/best practice
  • update the STELAR wiki with the latest practice/position of Scottish HEIs and with the year 2 student focus group work
  • deliver a sector-wide event in April 2020 to share good practice, helping to support HEIs’ strategies for learning analytics implementation.

For further details contact Helyn Gould.

Developing Graduate Support

This cluster is being led by the University of Dundee who collaborates with several institutions. The cluster is continuing with its work analysing existing data on the current services available to graduates in Scottish institutions. This work will support the development of a toolkit of effective practice. For further details contact Shona Johnston.

Our two new projects

Best practice guidelines for supporting widening participation students with lecture capture

The aim of the cluster is to develop best practice guidelines for the ways in which institutions can use lecture capture to support widening access. It will also consider how students themselves can use it to support their entry into, and journey through, higher education.

The University of Edinburgh is the lead institution and is collaborating with other HEIs. For further details contact Jill MacKay

Building inclusivity and promoting student mental wellbeing

The aim of the cluster is to build the capacity of academic staff to design curricula and create teaching and learning environments that are inclusive and promote student mental wellbeing.

Glasgow Caledonian University is the lead institution, collaborating with other HEIs and sparqs. For further details contact Heather Gray.