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Date: November 26 - 2020

QAA Scotland welcomed over 400 delegates from 26 countries to the 5th International Enhancement Conference, Building Resilient Learning Communities: Using Evidence to Support Student Success, on 3-5 November 2020.

Sharing innovative thinking, learning, tools and practice, drawn from the Enhancement Themes and across the globe, the event explored: the use of evidence-based decision-making; equality, diversity and inclusion in our learning communities; and employability for a changed world. Throughout the conference, delegates were encouraged to reflect on their practice and its role in supporting the development of resilient learning communities during this complex time.

We are delighted to be able to share a summary infographic, which features valuable insights from leading voices in higher education across the world. It includes key messages from the event and highlights further actions for the sector to take forward next, including:

  • understanding the potential of new technologies and their value pedagogically
  • ensuring curricula and assessments are meaningful and accessible for all
  • embedding employability as a fundamental part of curriculum design.

Don’t forget that resources from the conference are now available on the Enhancement Themes website. Here you’ll find recordings of all keynote, panel and ‘in conversation’ sessions, as well as a selection of papers, blogs and other asynchronous content.

Key Messages from the ‘Building Learning Communities: Using Evidence To Support Student Success’ Conference

Publication date: 26 Nov 2020