Responding to student voice: Principle of practice cards - introduction (online)
Publication date: 15 Mar 2023
QAA Scotland would like to thank all of the contributors and delegates who participated in ‘Learning from disruption: exploring what counts in higher education’. The following resources were either curated from existing Enhancement Theme projects or developed as part of this event and should be used to reflect on four areas of focus of the event: institutional policy and strategy, student voice and engagement, student and staff wellbeing, communities of learners.
Professor Sally Kift, President of Australian Learning and Teaching Fellows
Disruptive innovation (Christensen & Eyring, 2011) continues to impact higher education (HE) and the labour markets with which it interacts. The challenge to HE’s knowledge monopoly via Google Age’s democratisation of knowledge access, has now been trumped by escalating skills’ instability due to persistent technological, demographic and socio-economic change (World Economic Forum, 2016). If education, fairness and economic prosperity go hand-in-hand, business-as-usual responses to future-fit learning seem unlikely to deliver the what, when and how of tomorrow’s workforce needs, let alone socially just outcomes for underserved citizens and regions. And the impact of COVID-19 has now escalated the imperative to correct our educational alignment given its exacerbation of inequality. Lifelong learning must become a practical reality for all. This requires a fundamental re-imaging of the educational continuum, and higher education’s role in it.
This presentation will consider the promise of a connected educational ecosystem. It will suggest that our full, collective resources – educators, government, business, industry, accreditors, communities, students and graduates – should act in calm concert to shape a sustainable HE future in which: participation and attainment continue widening; our skills effort is boosted; enhanced credit recognition is facilitated, including for micro-credentials; and learner pathways are better enabled, especially for young people to complete an initial tertiary qualification and to enable workers displaced by COVID-19 disruption to get back on their feet.
Dr Amy Eberlin (QAA), Liam Brady (Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council), Katie Dubarry (SRUC Students’ Association), Alexander Hedlund (Heriot-Watt University), and Andrew Bowie (Highlands and Islands Students’ Association)
This student-led panel will explore the ways in which the sector’s swift pivot to online delivery has impacted student voice and engagement, highlighting the need to reconsider the ways in which we engage with students about their learning experiences in a time of disruption. This session also provides an opportunity for discussion around the ways in which this crisis might impact student voice and engagement in the future.
Guiding Questions:
This resource will help you work with students to find the most effective ways to obtain student feedback and respond to it. The principles of practice will help guide your work, whatever changes you are making to
the mechanisms through which you gather and respond to student feedback.
This new resource has been developed to support the use of the Student Voice Cards online by staff and student communities. Reflecting the need to amend institutional or individual strategies of gaining student feedback, this resource provide advice on the use of the cards online.
Publication date: 15 Mar 2023
This resource will help you to use an inclusive and empowering approach of digital storytelling in engaging student and staff voices.
If you are a final-year student or recent graduate, or you provide careers services, this online course provides accessible support at a time of great uncertainty in the global labour market.
Caroline Turnbull (QAA), Dr Heather Gray (Glasgow Caledonian University), Sean Michael Morris (University of Colorado), and Dr Petrea Redmond (University of Southern Queensland)
In this session, delegates will be invited to join our panellists to debate and explore the following questions:
Guiding Questions:
With the global pandemic highlighting accessibility to digital resources is not always equal, what efforts can we make to be sure that all members in a community are included?
A toolkit for tutors and course teams who are interested in developing Sense of Belonging for students engaged in online distance learning. It contains practical suggestions about how to develop Sense of Belonging, opportunities to learn from
others, and a tool to help with evaluating and reflecting on Sense of Belonging.
A Wakelet providing a summary of a professional development, including speaker presentations, will
help you identify important aspects of creating inclusive curricula and learning environments. Collated third-party resources provide a range of information on different aspects of wellbeing.
The webinar recording and its accompanying Wakelet provide conference delegates with reflections on student and staff mental wellbeing in the current pandemic and key approaches to supporting students through new ways of delivering learning and teaching.
Publication date: 02 Jun 2020
Michael Daw, Sofia Shan and Debbie Shaw (University of Edinburgh)
Publication date: 02 Jun 2020
Publication date: 02 Jun 2020
Publication date: 02 Jun 2020