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what are the Enhancement Themes?

The Enhancement Themes are a programme of activity involving the whole higher education sector in Scotland. Staff and students collaborate on one or more topics to improve strategy, policy and practice. Watch our video to find out more.

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Evaluating 20 years of the Enhancement Themes

Date: June 4 - 2024

QAA Scotland has published findings from the major evaluation work on 20 years of the Enhancement Themes.

If you have participated in the Enhancement Themes activity, are interested in the findings of a major 20-year evaluation of impact retrospective or want to know more about the policy implications of this work, these publications are for you.

A summary infographic provides five key messages for policymakers, while the executive summary offers a quick overview of our evaluation consultations’ work.

The full technical report captures all the detail of the evaluators’ method, findings and calls to action for staff and students, higher education institutions and the Scottish sector. It also highlights the Enhancement Themes Theory of Change model developed by our evaluation consultants.

The evaluation documents are available on the Enhancement Themes website.

Alongside the evaluator’s findings, QAA Scotland has also published higher education institutions’ reports for the final year of the Resilient Learning Communities (RLC) Enhancement Theme and an overview of key outputs and outcomes from that Theme.

The RLC institutional reports and overview are also available on the Enhancement Themes website.


Evaluation of the Enhancement Themes

Explore how the Themes have impacted the Scottish student experience and also influenced enhancement approaches globally.

20 Years of the Enhancement Approach

Join us and the Scottish HE sector as we celebrate 20 years of our enhancement-led approach to quality.

Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee (SHEEC)

We work to develop and enhance the student learning experience and success in Scotland.