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Student Transitions ran from 2014 to 2017 and explored the transitions of students into, through, and out of higher education. Alongside institutional work, the Theme involved two large sector-wide projects.


The Transition Skills and Strategies project began with research into key transition points and the skills that support those transitions. It resulted in a suite of free, ready-to-use and customisable resources for staff and students, organised according to skill. These resources remain some of our most current and popular.


Smaller sector-wide projects examined the needs of particular student cohorts, such as incoming international students and those with care experience. During this Theme, we also supported inter-institutional collaboration, resulting in projects on student skills and the use of technology. This approach led to the introduction of Collaborative Clusters in subsequent Themes.

sector-wide projects

A range of sector-wide projects focused on key areas of transition. The activities helped staff and students work in collaborative and creative ways.

Transition Skills and Strategies

A set of downloadable resources to support staff and students develop skills essential for successful transitions.

Inter-institutional collaboration

Three projects focused on student skills development and the use of technology and online resources.

Other Resources

In year two of the Theme, we commissioned work into the experience and needs of international students and produced a report on the findings.

International students' transitions into Scottish higher education - scoping study

Publication date: 27 Jan 2017

Internationalisation and the student experience


Professor Jones is Emerita Professor of the Internationalisation of Higher Education at Leeds Beckett University. She discusses her views of, and tips for, enhancing the international student experience.

Professor Jones was a keynote speaker at the 3rd International Enhancement in Higher Education Conference in June 2017.

Evaluation of year 3 and the full three years of the Student Transitions Enhancement Theme

Publication date: 11 Sep 2017

Evaluation of year two of the Student Transitions Enhancement Theme

Publication date: 26 Jul 2016