Flexible Delivery: an Overview of the Work of the Institutional Engagement 2004-06
Publication date: 13 Oct 2006
Flexible Delivery ran alongside the Employability Theme from 2004 to 2006. This Theme aimed to address the need to create a learning environment that would improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Scottish higher education sector, further the learner-centred agenda, and transform the way higher education institutions in Scotland considered flexible delivery in programme delivery, learning and curriculum design.
The Theme was organised into three strands of work. Outputs included a global scan of case studies from key institutions that had established expertise in innovative methods of flexible delivery, and a series of five workshops, exploring different strategic aspects of flexible delivery.
There were also six commissioned development projects focused on practical aspects of flexible delivery, such as staff development, and a guide to available resources provided by Jisc and HEA. While the resources from this Theme are not necessarily current, the Theme itself remains a priority for the sector and is indeed one of the key areas of focus within Resilient Learning Communities.
Publication date: 13 Oct 2006
Publication date: 19 Dec 2005
Publication date: 15 Dec 2005
Publication date: 12 Oct 2006
Publication date: 05 Oct 2006