Student transitions and support: A scan of international practice
Publication date: 08 Jul 2021
Transitions into, through, and out of higher education can be challenging at the best of times. Students making these transitions during the 2021-22 academic session were doing so after a period of intense disruption caused by a series of society ‘lockdowns’ during the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2020, meaning they also had to deal with specific, additional challenges.
This project draws together examples of practice and other resources to help provide support to students navigating these transitions.
On 22 June 2021, QAA Scotland hosted a webinar in partnership with Kirkcaldy High School and Abertay University. Delivered by two teachers and an S6 pupil from the School, the webinar focused on the challenges faced by young people in a high school setting throughout the last year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues discussed included:
The session also highlighted the more positive aspects for our young people over that period, such as digital literacy and building resilience. We were joined by over 100 colleagues from across higher and further education institutions from Scotland and beyond, as well as sector agencies. The video of the presentation can be found below, and the presenters also produced a blog with their reflections on the session.
QAA Scotland's scan of international practice of student transitions showcases the diverse, dedicated systems used by institutions around the world to support students into, throughout and outwith their university studies. Often focused on supporting specific student groups, the innovative practice highlighted by this report demonstrates that both generic and tailored support systems are beneficial in students effectively engaging with and transitioning through their student learner journey.
Publication date: 08 Jul 2021
Many institutions have developed practices to support students as they enter higher education, and we are grateful to those who have allowed us to use the following as examples of practice. These examples typically are intended to support either the development of a sense of belonging, inclusion and wellbeing among students or to help to develop academic and general study skills. We have described the main features of each example under each of these headings.
As part of the Student Transitions Enhancement Theme, we identified six skills and strategies that are key to successfully navigating transitions:
We produced some free, practical, easy-to-use resources to support students to develop these skills. They include activities for students to work on individually, activities for students to work on in groups, presentation materials for staff, and leaflets signposting students to further help. These are available on the Transition Skills and Strategies webpage, and this blog post offers suggestions about how they might be used.
Institutions also worked collaboratively to create additional resources to support student transitions. These include ‘talking head’ videos in which students discuss their transition experiences, guidance relating to open badges, and practical resources relating to online learning.