Inter-institutional collaboration Skip to main content Accessibility Statement

A review of the year three plans and year two reports of the Student Transitions’ Theme highlighted that many institutions were already taking forward work in similar areas. We encouraged those institutions to work together and to put forward ideas for potential projects.

QAA Scotland funded three projects covering two different strands.

Talking heads

Students can face many challenges while studying at university. The project team produced a series of videos in which students share their experiences. They discuss problems they have overcome and the positive coping strategies they have used to succeed. You can select individual videos from the YouTube playlist.

Creation of the videos was complete ‘for students by students’ and may be of interest to anyone involved in student transitions. This project relates to the strand, student skills development to support transitions.


Talking heads inter-institutional collaboration project - student biographies

Publication date: 05 Sep 2017


This project involved: Queen Margaret University worked with the University of Strathclyde, University of the West of Scotland, University of Edinburgh, University of the Highlands and Islands and Abertay University.

Open Badges

Open badges are digital awards issued for skills learned online and in person. You can use open badges to identify achievements not recognised in formal qualifications. This project relates to the strand, student skills development to support transitions.


The project team created a guide for institutions or Student Associations who would like to introduce an open badges scheme.


Open Badges in the Scottish HE sector: The use of technology and online resources to support student transitions

Publication date: 15 Jan 2018


The University of Dundee led this project working with the University of Aberdeen and Abertay University.

Supporting student transitions into and through online learning

Using online tools to compliment teaching is part of the student learning experience. The project team took a students as partners approach and involved students from each institution. They produced four short videos and a set of resources relating to the four topics identified:

  • being an effective online learner
  • working with others online
  • learning effectively with technology
  • being a responsible online learner.
A tutor guide was also produced that includes more details about the resources and how you might use them. Online learning tutors can use the resources with university students at any level, whether they are starting or continuing their learning experience. 

This project relates to the strand, use of technology and online resources to support student transitions


Related resources


Checklist and reflective activity: Supporting student transitions into and through online learning

Publication date: 31 Aug 2017

Tutor guide: Supporting student transitions into and through online learning

Publication date: 31 Aug 2017


Queen Margaret University led this project, working with the University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow and the University of the Highlands and Islands.